Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

  • There is an obligation under the Modern Slavery Act (2015) for businesses to address the issues of slavery and human trafficking, and to commit to the prohibition and avoidance of the violation of human rights (both within the business’s own operations and also in relation to those with which the business provides products and services).
  • Gilvar Lining Limited is forthright and steadfast in complying with these obligations, and fully embraces not only the legal aspects of these issues, but also the moral and ethical duties and responsibilities in identifying and, where necessary, eliminating all potential breaches of basic human rights.
  • It is therefore the stance of Gilvar Lining Limited that practices such as forced labour, debt-bonded labour, and human trafficking are totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Similarly, inhumane treatment such as corporal punishment or other inhumane threats are also viewed as totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Furthermore, Gilvar Lining Limited expects corresponding standards, duties, and responsibilities to be upheld and maintained by all within its supply change; and all its employees, clients, customers, sub-contractors, business associates, and visitors.
  • Gilvar Lining Limited, through its existing policies and procedures, will always seek to promote the highest standards of morals and ethics, and will voluntarily and wholeheartedly support all statutory legislation and regulatory guidelines aimed at eliminating these totally unacceptable and inhumane practices.
  • Gilvar Lining Limited encourages all those involved with our organisation and services, whether directly or indirectly, to report (without fear of prejudice or recrimination) any issues or concerns with regard to potential breaches of human rights.
  • This policy statement operates in conjunction with, and alongside, other Gilvar Lining Limited company policies including (but not exclusively) Equality and Diversity; Measures to Prevent Harassment and Bullying; Conduct at Work; Conduct Outside Work; Anti-Bribery; Theft, Fraud and Suspicious Acts; Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures; and the Duty of Fidelity.

Book a Free Site Visit or Quotation on 01283 712 450

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