The summer months have finally arrived and that means summer sports will experience their annual peak in popularity; tennis is certainly no exception. Watching Wimbledon and urging Andy Murray to win makes a lot of us fall in love with tennis all over again and travel to our local tennis courts to give it a go ourselves. If you own a tennis court then you’ll want it to look its best and stay that way for as long as possible; with so many beginners as well as experienced players visiting your courts this summer, it’s important that you have high quality and hard wearing tennis court markings. Here at Gilvar Linings, we specialise in providing your courts with excellent markings to keep your courts looking as good as new all summer.
No matter if you’re charged with the upkeep of school, leisure centre or privately owned courts, at Gilvar Linings we are the ideal solution. We offer an efficient service that you can rely on; there’s no need to worry about having to close your courts and wait around all day for workmen that never appear. We work as quickly as possible to minimise the disruption to your courts while maintaining an exceptional quality standard. We have 25 years of experience and employ only the most skilled technicians to be a part of our team; our wealth of experience means that will work closely with you to ensure that we meet your exact specifications.
You may have commercial fencing instead of stands, and clay instead of grass but whatever your specifications and budget requirements, we’re sure to have the perfect solution to transform your courts into the Wimbledon that your players are dreaming of. If you would like more information about our court marking or any of the other services we offer, don’t hesitate to visit our website or give us a ring on 01283712450 to speak to a member of our team who’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
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